A Feng Shui Way To Create A Fresh Start!

Dec 16, 2013 | Prosperity

 (A Merry Mishap… what an amazing blog!) 

Fresh starts are exciting!  Be it a new home, a New Year dawning, a birthday, a new month, even a morning you decide things will be new… fresh starts are a decision that the slate will be clear. And… it will be….as soon as you make that decision! 

Fresh starts have two elements to them: letting go of the old and readying for the new.

First… you have to let go of things that are no longer working.  It is bittersweet to let go.  But it is important.  You can’t live in the past and create in the present all at once!What is no longer needed or wanted ultimately becomes clutter.

Clutter. Its the by-product of  a life well spent or a life frittered away- none of us are immune to its power.  It is as though random stuff magnetizes itself to us, and then to each other, in our homes, our cars, office, phones, computers and even our bodies & minds.  To de-clutter is not a one-shot deal, though one great big de-clutter can put you into a great clear space that is much easier to maintain.

How do you know if you need a de-clutter?

  • you cant get things finished even though you have plenty of time
  • you spend more time cleaning- or talking about having to clean- than you do most anything else in your home
  • headaches
  • overwhelm
  • a feeling like you want to avoid a part- or your entire- home or office
  • a mess (when the clutter is obvious)
  • financial or physical issues that are vexing and don’t seem to budge

I made you a whole clutter clearing starter guide that goes way beyond organizing junk drawers.

The second half of the fresh start equation: readying for the new!  This is your time to dream big and stop looking backward. Embrace it.  With all this clear space, you will have many opportunities to decide what it can be filled with.  Choose wisely & make new choices.

A fresh start is waiting! xoxo Dana

P.S.: If you’re ready to take the energy around you to the next level, detox the negativity and make space for joy, the Joy Immersion: 30 Day Negativity Detox is here for you.

THE JOY IMMERSION is a commitment to happy-making, mirror-polishing, life-lifting and simple space shifting for 30 days. It’s loaded with lots of actions that can help you detox from your own negative stuff, uncover more of your greatness and light, and see happiness everywhere you look…!

There’s feng shui, there’s life-shifting, there’s lots of creativity… and it’s a daily commitment to a positive life shift… which is a positive life shift already!!!

And you can start right HERE!


And, if you want to dive in to your own personalized feng shui in a modern, practical way, Say hello to Feng Shui 101.

It’s the guide I made for you to create your own personalized Feng Shui at home, in the office, wherever you may be… in 8 weeks.

It’s not filled with strict rules or what you “must” do.

It’s filled with information, questions, exercises and even videos and classes to help you confidently create amazing spaces with killer Feng Shui and live with more flow.   Learn more about the 8-week Feng Shui adventure & grab your copy to get started right HERE… 

And, as always, please let me know what happens!


  1. Ken

    Feng shui make life easier, more pleasant….. it makes life a smooth road.
    A big hug for you Dana:)
    In Love and Light!! Ken

  2. Laurie

    Love this message today! I love the 10 min rule! I am totally overwhelmed! I got into week one of your book and truth is… I want to avoid every room! It’s that bad, so I am having problems getting started. 19 years of crap and I save everything. Of coarse I can stash n dash and close rooms, closets, etc. etc. And, have company, but don’t open that door, cupboard, drawer, or closet! I really want this magic cleaning fairy to come get rid of everything for me, because you are so right, it is very emotional. How did it get this bad? What’s wrong with me? And so on. I LOVE LOVE what you said about keeping the people in your circle that will support your dreams. I try, but have made that mistake on more than on occasion. My husband and kids don’t even go in that circle, sadly. I get this all the time from friends and family, “you are home all day why isn’t your house clean?” IDK but I’m ready to change. I think getting rid of everything will FREE my SOUL! It’s not that I don’t want a beautiful organized home, because I do. But, I have been stuck for so long! Anyways, thanks for You being YOU! And so happy I stumbled upon your website! Your positive outlook and energy is exactly what I have been searching for! So thank you, Laurie~

    • danaclaudat

      Laurie- you are so very welcome!!! And its a process. You started the process, so even small actions reinforce that spark you had to create clear space. It didn’t get cluttered in a day, so as long as you are consistent (*big word!) even in a small way, you’ll build the momentum you are craving!!!!! “ready to change” = “already changing.” Congratulate yourself every day! xoxoxo

      • Laurie

        “Everyday in Every Way, I am Getting Better and Better!” #LOVE & #BLESSINGS

        • danaclaudat

          every day. every way. love it!!!

        • Karen

          I love this affirmation, it really resonates with me. Thank you, Laurie for speaking your truth. I feel the same way and I am so ready for the change…and Dana ~ You ROCK!!…Thank you very much!


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