The Most Empowering Feng Shui To Help You Bring Your Big Dreams To Life!

Dec 4, 2016 | Prosperity

tree of life

Let’s get into the idea of deep connection.

Deep connection is Tao.

Tao is where life comes to life.

I know, it sounds abstract… but I am going to make the idea of deep connection as full-color, visceral, real and doable as possible today, because deep connection is really the key to most everything I’ve ever done well. I bet it’s also the key to all you’ve done well, too.

Deep Connection is our greatest power.

We can direct our energies toward the places, ideas, people, pets, plants, objects and things that we want to become fused with in life. If you want to be more effective, make more of an impact, create more of a statement, have better relationships, turn abstract ideas into reality, starting with deep connection is essential.

Think about a time when you spent lots of time with people you love, in deep connection. It’s almost like you can telepathically know their needs and thoughts and things are so much more profound. Now, think about what happens when you’ve stopped talking to someone for any reason. For a while you may maintain a connection, but out of communication, things start to become distant and faded out.

Communication brings us Closer.

It’s very true that everything is energy, but what that amounts to is a whole new paradigm for every single day. It means that you can get in communication with THINGS as well as people and lists of goals and visions and projects and and you can affect them far more purposefully and profoundly when you do.

The more PRESENT we are, the more powerful we are. 

Try this experiment: Pick up the phone and call a friend while you’re typing emails with a TV on.  How awesome was that conversation?   Now, do the same, call up a friend, but do it with complete silence and have a conversation.

What do you think?

Presence is everything, but lots of the time we’re multitasking as we communicate, as we work, as we love and even before we sleep.  We think it’s just a “brain” habit or a routine or a fact of the nature of life in our digital age, but, actually, we’re just not that grounded.

root chakra feng shui

Try some ROOT chakra balancing to get deeply grounded and far more present. We skim through life feeling floaty, in our heads, overwhelmed and not fully here. If you’re multitasking, you aren’t setting yourself up to make giant, genius dreams come true because you’re giving just a fraction of your energy to creating awesome outcomes and giving a lot more energy to all kinds of other things swirling around.

Get grounded and you’ll find that suddenly your voice is heard, your ideas are so much more sharp, your vision is more clear… and… you’ll feel more attractive in every, way, too!!!

Sweep away whatever is in the way of connection. 

In relationships, the leftover mementos and stuff of old lovers – and all it’s energies- can stand between two people, preventing deep connection.   In business, disorganization or a lack of clear vision can topple the brightest ideas that get lost in confusion. In homes, a mess of paperwork, old stuff, unfinished projects… all can make it impossible to relax and feel at ease and present.

This is all a big deal and it often goes unnoticed.

Clutter is easy to spot in a junk drawer, but harder to see in a schedule or digital organization or your mind itself… but it’s all still just distorted, stuck energy that needs to be disentangled and removed to make room for deep, meaningful connection.

Wherever you are having a hard time making changes, bringing ideas to life or taking positive actions, guess why it’s happening?


Whether it’s negative people, distorted ideas, piles of junk or a digital nightmare that’s out of synch… it can all get sorted.

I promise you, it will make a huge difference. I have seen it thousands of times.

Make a regular practice of clearing space and you’ll be able to get so much closer, so much more present and so much more deeply engaged with your biggest dreams and most important people, places and things.

From there, you will find so many more of your personal superpowers and keen perceptions awakened and alive.

From there, you can make a deep and meaningful difference.

From there, dreams take shape and come to life.

xoxo Dana

P.S.: The Love Camp is coming (!!!) to transform life with so much more love! It’s the ultimate in Feng Shui to multiply your manifesting magic.

The FREE 3-Video series kicks things off right HERE!!! It’s packed with Feng Shui to help you create even more openness, magnetism and more LOVE in awesome, tangible ways!

This hour of Feng Shui videos for love starts soon and it’s only up for 21 days a year…so if you’re ready for a lighter, brighter, more love-filled life, you won’t want to miss it! xoxo!!!



creating genius creativity book

Welcome to Creating Genius!

I spent the last year creating this e-guide to balancing and unblocking life by pulling together the best of a decade of space-changing and life-shifting feng shui! It’s 50 days and 50 ways to use feng shui to shift your space and your routines to move from “stuck” to creatively inspired and alive.

Start Creating Genius right HERE!

And… As a special bonus when you get the e-guide– a bonus that thrills me!— I’m leading a private Creating Genius + Artist’s Way Group for all of you, to guide you online through twelve weeks of creative awesomeness this year!

Gather up your magic & make gorgeous dreams come true!

xoxo Dana


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